all postcodes in WS1 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS1 3AA 27 0 52.579151 -1.974332
WS1 3AB 4 2 52.579244 -1.973541
WS1 3AD 6 0 52.579424 -1.974397
WS1 3AF 8 1 52.579711 -1.975282
WS1 3AG 51 0 52.579064 -1.976596
WS1 3AH 6 0 52.578703 -1.977683
WS1 3AJ 29 0 52.57865 -1.974294
WS1 3AL 38 0 52.57804 -1.976154
WS1 3AN 24 0 52.578498 -1.976153
WS1 3AP 1 1 52.577347 -1.97552
WS1 3AQ 35 2 52.578849 -1.976183
WS1 3AR 23 0 52.577347 -1.974044
WS1 3AS 22 0 52.578291 -1.973202
WS1 3AT 20 0 52.577697 -1.97186
WS1 3AU 44 0 52.576925 -1.974959
WS1 3AW 30 0 52.57785 -1.974516
WS1 3AX 24 0 52.575746 -1.971079
WS1 3AY 16 1 52.576069 -1.970533
WS1 3AZ 24 0 52.575457 -1.967611
WS1 3BA 3 0 52.574927 -1.966505